The Campaign For Good Chest Rolls

Want to hear this one crazy trick to improve your chest rolls? Wait, wait, this is actually a legitimate video. Chest rolls are amazing and amazing chest rolls are probably our favourite things to see and do, so we’re putting a bunch of thought into how we can make them good for everyone (the secret is triangles)

Lesson 1: Basic Posture

Something fundamental in Contact Juggling that is never discussed is basic posture and technique with the body. Often we just say “learn dance!” but these practices can take years, and no one online has much help for those of us in small regions who can’t access those cool juggling workshops that are held worldwide. So…

Discussion: Learning About Learning About Learning

If the title’s semantic satiation didn’t give it away, for the next couple of weeks we’re focusing on learning contact. Looking at how we learn, why we learn, whether we can more effectively learn and teach and hopefully helping you flood your mind-brains with delicious knowledge thoughts. In this week’s discussion Dawn and Briney start off with the…

Meditation Warm up for Contact Juggling

Over the past few years, I (Dawn) have learned to really take my time and spend 30 minutes every day to get into the body.  It is a mindfulness practice which can help you delve deeper into the flow state when you are in your practice. Another piece of this puzzle is an essay over at…

(“Hello, world”) #ballsout

Hello yous! It’s ALIVE! It’s actually happening. We’re so happy to see you all; faces and friends, familiar and new. Welcome to our new corner of the world. We’ve posted loads about our definitions of contact juggling, but there’s a really important aspect we didn’t mention yet…community. That’s what we are seeking to create and foster…

Discussion: Nik Talks Isolation and Innovation

We were super happy to have a great, in-depth chat with Nik aka LCD aka Pingo aka Elsie Dee.  A true pioneer of isolation and illusion based contact. He offered some fantastic insight into his role and his experiences during a major shift in the possible definition of contact, plus he’s really lovely. In our current spirit of…

If We Have Seen Further…

Renowned British scientist and polymath Sir Isaac Newton famously made many of his breakthroughs by clambering up very tall people in order to improve his vision. As modern-day contactivists it is harder for us to form such lanky human pyramids, so instead we must build and extrapolate on the work of those who have come…

What Was Contact?

I can hear you all asking it. I lie wide awake at night, clutching a pillow over my ears but still I hear you asking “what is contact juggling?” Please stop asking, I’ve got work in the morning.  But lets all get stuck in and try and unpick this, visually.  First of all I’m not…