What’s the point of all this?

With all the social media and many sites out there, why do we feel the need to create ballcontact.org?

Unfortunately, around 4 years ago, our old community website contactjuggling.org became too unreliable in a time of great turmoil in our community. Too many outages took us out of the habit of visiting. Facebook was really taking over our online communication, and the lives of many of our community members was shifting. The website did not stay current with new ideas and unfortunately the momentum died.

But the absence has been noticed, and the community needs a reboot. And we need your help!

There are other means of communicating, however, Facebook itself is too insular, and not everyone wants to use it. Creating this new community is about speaking to a worldwide base that isn’t just “our friends list”.

Making a new website with new energy is going to take some work, we will need people who are willing to create essays, video tutorials, contests, challenges and connections.

We hope to create a newsletter that goes to people’s inbox, with helpful information, the best of the best from that week and some helpful tips about contact juggling ideas that everyone finds inspiring

We are here to be a trusted source where people feel their online home has a solid foundation, under new management, specifically: For Contact Jugglers by Contact Jugglers.

We are interested in getting new people who have new ideas and innovation in our field – it’s grown so much in the last 4 years! We are hoping to create a committed group that keeps the conversations going so we can all be a part of it and grow together.

We are dedicated to a family friendly for people of all ages (as young as they can use a computer to the oldest of old!).

We are about creating FUN together and inspiring each other with the joy of the art!

We would like for everyone feeling safe to create videos by bringing back fun games like horse or follow the leader.

We would like people who need to get a good critique, to ask for it and get an evaluation from their peers when they need.

We want to ensure a diversity of ideas, so all different types of contact jugglers can be involved and connected to the community.